Working as a Financial Modeller and a Radical Engineers Trustee — Weeknotes for 27th March 2024

James Curtis
3 min readMar 27, 2024


Today is formally the last day of the Open Working Course which prompted these weeknotes. I am hoping to continue this practice next week as well, but I want to express huge gratitude to the Third Sector Lab for putting this course together.

Thoughts about the past week / today

Recovering from last week’s pain

These last two weeks have been awful. The back injury I recieved two weeks ago has really stunted my work rate and I fell into a bad headspace last week. I felt discomfort when I was working, and guilty for having fallen behind in my work, and that guilt made me uncomfortable emailing my clients, which made me feel additional guilt — a negative cycle.

Fortunately, very fortunately, my partner had arranged for the two of us to visit and stay overnight at some old friends. Spending Shabbat with these wonderful people brought me into a much more positive headspace and I was able to spend this past weekend addressing some of the problems that had built up. I was able to get some work done, email those clients who were still waiting on my work, and I booked a massage for my back injury. I’m not fully back up to speed in my headspace, but I feel much better than I was feeling last Friday!

Radical Engineers Application + Our last week of the year!

My planning meeting with Anouk was postponed to tomorrow, so I should have more updates about that next week; however, we did finally recieve an application from DarkSpark, which excites me. I’ve forwarded it to my cofounders so that we can begin the “application review” process.

Our charity year follows the financial year, so technically this is the last week in which we can make achievements that I can discuss in this year’s annual report. Honestly, this year has not felt very active — we have had a couple of successful projects, but I feel we can do a great deal more. One of the reasons I’m excited by my meeting with Anouk and the potential for additional trustees is to build more momentum in our charity activities.

Finishing the Grow Your Business course with Hackney Impact

Over the last couple of months, I have been taking part in an excellent course provided by Hackney Impact called “Grow your business”. This was the last week of the course — a review week. I’m not sure how much I really took away from the course, but one of the changes I have made is more regular use of social media, particularly LinkedIn. I have been actively trying to post more frequently (where previously I was only posting perhaps once a month).

This course coincided neatly with this Open Working course, and my new exchange with Tash from whom I hope to garner some knowledge on using LinkedIn as a sales tool. I hope that these different acts towards professional development will lead somewhere!

Thoughts about today / the next week

My birthday and a well deserved break?

After finishing off a couple of small projects, I have no scheduled work on the horizon. However, I do have some enjoyable moments coming up. It’s my birthday this weekend and I have invited a few dozen friends to join me at a picnic in my local park. I also have some vacations booked in April, which I honestly need. I have worked exceptionally hard these past few months and some time off will be good for me.



James Curtis

Co-founder of Radical Engineers. On a mission to create a world where passion can inform ambition. Interested in how technology can expand creative industries.